
As far as PUPILS are concerned, to:

  • Enhance their social skills, such as empathy, critical thinking, problem solving, accepting diversity, self-consciousness, etc.
  • Help them discover the power of storytelling and be inspired to use it in their everyday life as well as in their future life (studies, professional career)
  • Help them appreciate and acquaint themselves with new and innovative technologies, upgrading their digital/ICT skills

As far as TEACHERS are concerned, to:

  • Help them upgrade their teaching skills through integrating the concept of storytelling into their teaching
  • Help them appreciate and acquaint themselves with new and innovative teaching methods which combine storytelling and interactive VR scenarios, hence upgrading their digital/ICT skills
  • Help them enhance skills such as creativity and flexibility and integrate them in their daily classroom practice
  • Help them build on common experiences with their pupils, thus strengthening the professional, but also, above all, personal relationships with them. The “You Tell” stories concept gives teachers the opportunity to give the floor to their pupils, thus showing them that they respect and appreciate their intellectual and creative capacities
  • Help them see beyond the given, structured and daily routine and experience a part of education that they may have never had the chance to experience